R & D Facility

Perfecting Your Product

Hipex has converted a portion of its manufacturing facility into a technical centre for Research and Development as well as customer product testing. The facility is an excellent tool for significantly reducing product development time and cost, while also avoiding potential disruptions to normal production times.

Hipex’s Research and Development facility is fully equipped for conducting product trials and pilot plant testing. To establish critical process information, relatively small quantities of product are required.

During product trials, Hipex’s data logger can continuously record and process flow rates, pressure drops, and temperatures. The data generated directly provides the designer with all the information necessary to either design a new manufacturing plant or determine whether existing equipment can be repurposed.

Along with the standard product line and access to Hipex’s full manufacturing capability, the facility houses the following:

Customer Product Testing

The Hipex UHT Pilot Plant can assist you in determining the commercial viability of your potential new product with as little as 5L. Hipex UHT Pilot Plant can operate at a variety of hold times and temperatures while maintaining complete client confidentiality (up to 145oc).

A homogeniser is available on-site for use prior to heat treatment. Our inline Laminar flow bottling cabinet enables our customers to conduct stability testing, flavour profiling, and sensory evaluations immediately. This enables the adjustment of multiple batches in a single session. Additionally, the system includes an aseptic bag filler that allows for hot or cold filling of bags ranging from 1 to 10L. This is the ideal method for determining the shelf life of a product as well as its long-term stability.

For Further Details or booking availability please contact us at sales@hipex.com.au or call +61 3 9462 3366.